10 Dic 2018 - News

The 2019 edition of the Marchionni Prize and the Rossopassione Prize are launched.
The Main Prizes are confirmed: a cash prize for the overall winner (graphic sections and painting) and, as an option and in addition, a personal exhibition and a collaboration with an important gallery in Milan. Furthermore, the itinerant exhibitions in institutional locations such as the Palazzo del Collegio Raffaello and the Cà La Ghironda Museum in Bologna are confirmed. As for past editions, a catalog and a final exhibition will be realized, as expected, in the Magmma halls of the Palazzo Vescovile di Villacidro.
An important news. After the success of Rembrandt’s engravings exhibition set up in the Magmma Museum and then in the Porto Cervo Promenade du Porto in the former MDM Museum, the Marchionni Prize is enriched with another special prize deriving from the collaboration with the Cà La Ghironda Museum, the Ceribelli Gallery of Bergamo and Raffaello Academy of Urbino. In fact, from the 2019 edition of the Award to the Artistic Direction and the Scientific Committee that composed the Jury, he decided to reward 20 artists chosen among the participants of the Prize, inserting them in the exhibition project” Manet Etchings: The Alfred Strölin 1905 Edition ” already present at the Museum Raffaello di Urbino ( and then in the offices of the Ministry of the Republic of Malta, organized by the Department of Art and History of Art, Faculty of Arts, University of Malta and The Arts Council of Malta. ( – /)
The important event will take place in the Magmma Museum rooms and will follow the experience of “Do you Remembrandt”; the chosen artists will have to make a work of art,
free technique and style, reinterpreting an engraving by Manet present in the exhibition.
Furthermore, after the positive experience of the 2018 edition, the Rossopassione Prize is included as an independent special section, in addition to the two sections of Graphics and Painting, so as to broaden the artistic offer and create a single event.