Pagamento n.1 opera Premio Rosso Passione En

Pagamento n.1 opera Premio Rosso Passione En

The registration fee for each section, partially covering the organizational expenses, is set at Euro 32 for a artwork, € 45 for two artworks, € 60 for three artworks, with a maximum of three works. For each job you will need to complete a new application form. By subscribing to multiple works, the payment will be cumulative. Payment of the registration fee must be made in Euros, with no Bank fees or fees charged by the Organization. The registration fee is non-refundable. Payment of the registration fee can be made by:On linePay by credit card through the secure PayPal circuit. (if the credit card is not in the artist’s name please inform us via stating the cardholder’s name and the artist)

N.1 Art Work – €.32,00

By Bank Transfer of 32€ Banco Posta, filiale di Villacidro – IBANIT 37 S 07601 04800 001024812271made out to: Fondazione Estetica e Progresso,payment ref: PREMIO ROSSOPASSIONE 2017, with artist’s name and surname.

Name: (*)

Attaches a payment (*)