The Winner of 2016 edition
21 Nov 2016 - News

Announced the winners of 2016 edition
June 19 was held in the spaces of Magmma the 2016 award edition of the International Art Prize Marchionni; The two winners are:
Juan Eugenio Ochoa, in the painting section
Francesco Altomare, in the Graphics section
In view of the high quality of the finalists, the jury decided to award honorable mentions to the artists: Dario Maglionico, Zefferinio Francesco e Ciresola Andrea per la sezione pittura; Tiziana Marzialetti e Giancarlo De Gennaro per la sezione grafica.
Award Centro Cultutrale di Alta Formazione a Francesco Stile.
The artist residencies were awarded to: Doria Sharra, Lutfie Bejko e Liliana Cecchin.
For the Prize Mostre Itineranti ad Urbino, Bologna e Milano the winners were: Morgan Zangrossi, Andrea Savazzi, Max Mazzoli, Luca Dalmazio, Giuseppe Cacciatore, Francesco Tromba, Simone Prudente, Tonino Mattu e Davide Prevosto for painting; Giovanni Timpani, Daniela Savini, Massimiliano Kornmuller, Peppe Denaro, Sergey Bunkov, Enza Viceconte, Sabato Panico, Fernando Di Stefano e Michele Cara for graphics section.