15 Ott 2016 - News

Urbino, October 8, 2016 – The collection of Magmma
After Milan, here Urbino. Federico Barocci room at the Collegio Raffaello Palace ; here houses the works of the Marchionni Prize touring exhibition 2016. Pending the conclusion of the cycle of exhibitions, the Art Director receives another donation: the Israeli artist Alexandra Finkelchtein, contributes to the creation and development the MAGMMA collection. Villacidro thanks to Magmma becomes part of the international art scene; partnerships as the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, Art Urbino, the Raffaello Academy, Cà La Ghironda Museum of Bologna, the Archive Lazzaro di Milano, Milan Artesanterasmo and, not least, the Union of the Unimed university of the Mediterranean, they contribute to reinforcing this connotation, and is a prelude to a great 2017, full of events.
Walter Marchionni personally have thanked Miss Alexandra Finkelchtein for this gesture; It is proof that art unites different cultures and societies, and that, with its universal language, opens up unimaginable horizons.